5 Common Exercise Dilemmas Addressed

We all know moving is essential for good health, so you should take out 30 minutes every day to work out. But there are those days when doctors and fitness professionals also suggest that you take it easy and rest is a better option. But that is not always the case. We have heard many people asking the same exercise questions; hence we have decided to address a few below.

5 Common Exercise Dilemmas Addressed

1. You Have a Slight Cold:

If it is just minor congestion, then you can very well workout light. But if it is the symptom of flu or viral infection where you have sore throat, fever, or cough, you should definitely sit out for a week. For starters, rest is the most crucial remedy to cure the viral infection, and exerting yourself will make you feel worst. Secondly, you do not want to infect others in the gym who will work out alongside you. Sitting out during the flu is a very responsible thing to do for your well-being as well as your other gym fellows.

2. You Got Almost No Sleep Last Night:

If you have not slept well the previous night, you may feel disoriented during the workout session. This can be a hazard, as you can injure yourself in such a frame of mind. Also, if working out means losing out on a few extra hours of sleep that you badly need, you better skip the session for the day. It will do more harm than good. Sleep is always a priority before exercise.

3. You are On Your Period’s Second Day:

Well, this is honestly a personal choice. Many women out there just feel like resting as much as they can during periods, and others enjoy their workout sessions. There is no workout restriction during your period as long as you are up for it. Also, mild workouts can help ease out the blood flow, which helps in reducing stomach cramps during periods.

4. You are Stressed to the Maximum Extent:

Well, the answer is very simple and straightforward here. You should work out if you are stressed, as a workout acts as a stress buster session. Exercise will take your mind off worries for a while, and the release of endorphins, also known as happy hormones, will lower your stress levels. Pick an activity you enjoy doing, and it will keep you physically fit and mentally healthy.

5. You Have Just Got Your COVID-19 Vaccination:

If you have been vaccinated just now, you should skip working out for at least 3 days post-vaccination, as suggested by many doctors. There are chances that you will get a mild fever and feel fatigued after you get the shot. Even if you do not have the temperature, over-exercising may actually cause fever, which is why let your body get all the rest it needs post-vaccination.

If you are looking for more exercise-related information, do check out Gymnation Blog which will answer most of your workout-related queries apart from the ones we have offered above.

The Bottom Line:

At the end of the day, it is your body, and you know what it feels like right at this moment. If you feel the workout session is not something it can handle right now, take the call on your own. Do not force yourself to workout out of guilt if you are physically and mentally not in the right condition to handle another session. Even experts and doctors will agree that you should listen to your body. 

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