Every person in the universe will experience the general signs of aging. Even super-rich folks, super-models, super athletes, and everyone in between will develop fine lines and wrinkles, sagging, loss of facial volume, and more at some point in time. You can fight back against the hands of time, win the battle and maintain the appearance of natural youthfulness. Today, skincare experts say there are superb topical formulas that can help reduce the signs of aging.

1. A Retinoid
Many studies have been conducted over the decades, regarding the benefits of topical retinoids for an ageless complexion. Retin-A is the prescription form of a retinoid, which is a vitamin A derivative. This awesome formula applied before bedtime has been proven to boost collagen production, smooth coarse texture, balance skin tone, improve dark spots and soften fine lines and wrinkles.
The good news these days is that you can purchase retinoids without a prescription. Differin gel is sold for less than $14 a tube at Walmart, for instance, and it gets rid of acne and provides excellent anti-aging results.
2. HA Serum
The human body naturally produces HA or hyaluronic acid to keep your entire system well-lubricated, hydrated and cushioned. HA is found in the joints, bones, connective tissue, and your largest organ, your skin. However, as you age, the amount of HA begins to diminish considerably, and this depletes moisture, which then causes thin skin and wrinkles to develop.
That is why adding a high-quality hyaluronic acid serum to your skincare routine can make a significant difference. HA applied to the face and neck is nourishing, and firming, and imparts youthful plumpness to the facial contours.
3. Gentle Cleanser
You never want to be aggressive when washing your face, but it is important to remove all grime, oil, makeup and other leftovers sitting on your skin after a long day.
No one desires clogged pores that can lead to acne and other issues. Look for a gentle cleanser that is powerful enough to offer exfoliating benefits. A cleanser that contains glycolic acid is recommended by skincare pros as it can penetrate deep into the skin and remove dead skin cells for a clear and glowing complexion.
4. Niacinamide
This ingredient has become popular these days as another way of achieving youthful-looking skin. Niacinamide can help to calm inflamed skin, and the vitamin B3 derivative also addresses pigmentation issues and brightens the complexion.
The topical also reinforces the skin barrier over time and is suitable for all skin types.
5. Vitamin C
Another powerhouse in battling the signs of aging, a vitamin C serum is effective at producing fresh collagen. When applied to the face and neck, the formula goes to work to brighten the skin, repair sun damage and improve skin discoloration.
The important piece of advice here is to buy a C serum that is highly stable because the product can quickly degrade when expose to air and sunlight. Purchase a C serum that comes in a dark, opaque bottle, and keep it in a cool, dark place.
6. Collagen Powder
It’s no secret that youthful faces appear to have abundant collagen. The protein adds structure and firmness. As people age, production sharply reduces, and the skin gets thinner and starts to sag.
There’s been lots of talk about adding a collagen supplement to your diet to restore lost collagen. Does it work? Many say it does, especially if you take bovine collagen powder (from grass-fed beef) that contains a high protein amount for more supple skin, hair and nails.
7. Broad-Based Sunscreen
Think about it. Sun exposure is the leading cause of skin aging, so dermatologists agree that sun protection is everything when it comes to maintaining ageless skin.
A broad-based sunscreen that blocks both the aging UVA rays and the burning UVB rays should be worn daily.
Use an SPF-30 cream that contains safe, effective ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
The general signs of aging will happen sooner or later, but prepare yourself now with these amazing products to fight wrinkles and create a smoother, more radiant complexion. It is never too late for beautiful skin.