After a Work Injury, How Can I Benefit From Chiropractic Care?

If you have suffered a back injury and are suffering discomfort or pain, it is important to visit Healthbound Clinic in Markham for chiropractic care after a work injury. Chiropractors perform spinal manipulation and other types of therapies to improve the overall condition of the body. A chiropractor can help prevent injuries and treat injuries when they occur. Chiropractic care after a work injury provides relief from pain and stiffness that can be caused by postural problems, muscle tension, and repetitive stress. In some cases, a chiropractor may also be able to help prevent further injury.

After a Work Injury, How Can I Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Initial Assessment

When you first experience the symptoms associated with a back injury, your doctor will likely suggest that you see a chiropractic specialist. Chances are, your chiropractor will give you an initial examination to determine the cause of the pain. If the chiropractor feels that you require chiropractic care after a work-related injury, he/she may recommend massage therapy, manual therapy, or other treatments. There are several types of adjustments available to relieve pain and strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine.

After a chiropractor gives you a physical examination, ask him/her about the benefits of chiropractic care after a work injury. How do the adjustments work? What are the risks? Will I need more than one visit to a chiropractic specialist for chiropractic care after a work-related injury? These are important questions that you need to ask yourself before you make a decision about chiropractic care. You should know what to expect, how to prevent injuries, and what to do if you have an injury.

The American Journal of Sports Medicine reported in a paper on chiropractic care after a work-related injury that chiropractors “claimed” to be able to prevent injuries by manual adjustments. Another study in the journal said that over the years there had been almost 9 million worker visits for musculoskeletal problems caused by spinal manipulation. Chiropractors have denied allegations of their malpractice in this area. Spinal manipulation is the main technique used by chiropractors.

Treatment Process

  • You have the right to question the effectiveness of chiropractic care after a work accident. Chiropractic specialists are skilled at manipulating the joints and muscles, but they cannot restore the function of the spine. They cannot rebuild the cartilage that is missing in a worker’s knee. The cartilage usually has to be surgically removed to restore normal function. This surgery is not covered by workers’ compensation plans. Your employer may pay for your surgical costs, or he may provide payment plans.
  • Many people who have suffered injuries at work say that chiropractic care has helped them get better. There are many testimonials on the internet from people who say that chiropractic care has helped to reduce the pain and swelling they experienced immediately after their injury. Many chiropractors offer day treatment programs to help their patients recover from their injury as quickly as possible. A typical day at a chiropractic clinic may include chiropractic adjustments, gentle stretches and massage therapy. Some chiropractors offer additional treatments such as acupuncture and hydrotherapy.
  • Most people suffering from an injury at work have already tried alternative therapies before going to chiropractic specialists. The use of painkillers such as ibuprofen and aspirin might help to control the pain and swelling immediately after the injury. Other treatments such as hot and cold packs may help to relax the muscles and increase the blood flow to the injured area. Chiropractors might also recommend exercise to help improve muscle strength and mobility. For most people, these other treatment options are not necessary, but for some it can help to take the edge off of their pain.
  • Many chiropractors provide their patients with post-operative instructions to help them with their healing process. It is important that the injured person follow these instructions carefully in order to prevent further injury or pain. Many injuries can be treated successfully with the use of chiropractic care. If you are injured at work and are in need of fast chiropractic care, contact your local chiropractor.

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