When you think of working out the first thing that comes to mind is cardio infused exercises that help you build a sweat and increase your heart rate. However, there is another fitness routine you can follow that will give you a more optimum workout while also focusing on particular muscles of your body, helping your mind concentrate on your body even more. Such training is called weight training; as the name suggests you require lifting or working with weights using your body muscles. Before we get into the specifics of weight training, let’s first understand what this terminology actually means and how you need to prepare your body for such exercises.

Another term used for weight training can be strength building training as this workout requires you to use your strength to achieve the required motions and ability to lift weights. When you lift weights, it helps you create a resistance against the muscles you usually use to do your daily activities. When a resistance is caused it allows your body to use more energy and strength to create a movement. This extra burden on your muscles helps them to adapt and get stronger, which is an excellent way of working out and building a stronger core. Although the ideal way of causing resistance is by using equipment such as dumbbells and barbells, there are certain weight lifting machines we are sure you have admired at your own gym many times! However, many trainers also advise to use your own body weight through certain postures that also help you create the same kind of resistance. So that means you don’t need to own any equipment or a membership at the gym to help you to begin your workout! We suggest you to come up with better excuses for not trying harder to be fit!
You do however need to make sure you own the perfect sportswear that can support your muscle training regime. You need something that is breathable as well as durable.
There are 600 muscles in our body, and with the right kind of training we can actually target each and every muscle and get the entire body workout necessary to lead a healthy life. To make it easier for us to understand our bodies, trainers and health experts have divided our bodies into sections that help us focus on each area and gradually target all our muscles.
1. Shoulders
The shoulders consist of two muscles mainly called the trapezius and deltoids. These muscles get a complete workout when you do exercises like raising your arms straight above your head before bringing them down by your sides using dumbbells or barbells. These muscles are also extremely active if not the most, when you do exercises that require you to make a plank position such as pushups.
2. Triceps
The triceps consist of three muscles at the back of your upper arm. It goes without saying that these are very important muscles as they help you to lift weight and also extend your elbows. Triceps are often a focus area for trainers looking to build a muscular body.
3. Biceps
Made up of the muscles brachii and brachioradialis, or most commonly known as the muscles we immediately flex when showing off our trainers’ body! When it comes to lifting weights by using upper body strength, these are very important muscles. Again, you can use dumbbells, barbells or just your own body weight to work on these muscles.
3. Chest
The Chest muscles are made up of two parts, the pectoralis (which covers more muscle mass) and the pec minor (which covers the smaller muscle mass). Exercises such as bench press can help work both these muscles simultaneously. You can make it even more effective by pressing barbells to and from your chests while lying on a bench.
4. Abs
The large muscle that runs down from your lower chest all the way to your pelvis is called the ABS muscles. Most frequently used muscles while doing weight training, the ABS are a focus of any professional and amateur trainers. Whether you want to make six packs or just get a flat stomach, the ABS are the muscles you concentrate on the most. Floor exercises such as pushups and crunches dominate your exercise regime when weight training with your abs.
5. Back
The back consists of the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids and erector spinae. Although a strong back is the key to any and almost all exercises, pull-ups are exercises that work the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids, while back extensions work your erector spinae. A lot of your body strength is generated using the back muscles; hence don’t forget to work out that spine in your next set of exercises!
6. Glutes and Thighs
Who doesn’t like a good glutes and thighs workout! Yes we know! It is a lot of hard work when it comes to exercising with these muscles. And not to forget painful as well! The glutes are actually the largest muscle in your body and cover your entire butt! So, it’s safe to say the glutes are one of the most active muscles of your body! The thighs have two main muscles; the quadriceps is located on the front and the hamstrings are located on the back. Exercises such as squats are worked with these muscles.
7. Calves
The calf muscles have two parts: the gastrocnemius, which is the upper portion, and the soleus, which is the lower portion. Calf raises and lunges are some of the exercises that target these muscles. Even holding postures such as a plank or downward dog put pressure on our calves.
For best results while working with weight training it is always better to be well prepared. Take your time and understand the postures required to work on any muscle area. Although it’s all about becoming stronger, let’s not forget that working with muscles also make us vulnerable to injuries and accidents. And to avoid any serious injury it is always advisable to be cautious when training with weights. Always start slow and never forget to warm up before any exercise. Use proper weights and begin under the supervision of a trainer or a friend who has apt knowledge of working muscles with weights.