While the emphasis on physical health has never been greater, mental and spiritual health often get pushed aside and deemed less important. But the truth is that being physically healthy alone doesn’t equate to happiness and wellness. True wellness involves knowing who you are, and answering the deep questions of life such as “What is my purpose?” or “What is the meaning of life?”. Often times logically finding answers to these questions come up short in fulfillment and achievement because the heart felt desire is not behind the drive to succeed. Those who have recognized this have turned to spiritual life coaching for answers.

What Is a Spiritual Coach?
A spiritual coach’s job is to help you connect to who you truly are beneath the surface. That means that, instead of only focusing on your physical actions or dissecting your habits and behaviors, spiritual coaches look for root causes and deep-seated beliefs that shape who you are. Understanding these factors will allow you to change the things you want to change in order to live a fulfilling life in line with your true purpose.
In other words, if you’re feeling stuck, lost, or unsure whether you’re on the right path, spiritual life coaching can help you. A good spiritual coach can help you change and navigate your life, overcome roadblocks and limiting beliefs, uncover your hidden desires, and achieve your dreams. And they do all that by delving deep into spirituality and consciousness, and exploring your relationship with the universe — something a regular life coach typically doesn’t do.
Spiritual coaches can use different methods and approaches. Some coaches focus more on religion, while others act as spirit guides and talk about energy and manifestation. There are also those that take a holistic approach, looking at various aspects of your life as they help you find your purpose.
Benefits of Consulting a Spiritual Coach
1. Finding Alignment With Your True Self
Many of your thoughts and beliefs are not truly your own. They come from external influences such as your culture, society, or family. To understand who you really are, you need to look past them and dive deep within yourself. That’s not an easy task, but it’s exactly what spiritual healers specialize in. By uncovering your hidden thoughts and emotions, they help you achieve greater alignment with your true self.
2. Finding Deeper Purpose
Spiritual coaches are a lot like life coaches in that both focus on discovering your life’s purpose – one of the biggest questions a person can ever ask themselves. How they differ is the approach and elements they consider. Spiritual coaches add an aspect of spirituality to help you find the answers. In other words, your true purpose might not be getting your dream job or starting a family but rather a path related to your core values such as truth, love, or generosity. Spiritual coaches focus on the meaning behind the life situation or accomplishment, instead of attaining the desired outcome by itself. More of the “why” instead of the “what”.
3. Finding Answers to Big Life Questions
Aside from “What is my purpose?” you’ll face several other difficult questions in your lifetime. They usually deal with the meaning of life, your general happiness, and whether you are making the most out of your limited time on Earth. Unfortunately, no one can simply tell you the answers and spare you the trouble. However, spiritual coaches can provide invaluable guidance in your search for them, bringing you closer to your truth.
4. Faster Growth and Development
The key to growth is looking within yourself, discovering where you are, where you’re going, and what’s standing in your way. Spiritual coaches help you with all of that, ensuring that you develop faster than you would on your own.
5. Spiritual Healing
To stay healthy, your spirit needs just as much attention and care as your body does. A spiritual coach knows that, and they will teach you techniques to help you achieve inner peace and heal old wounds still preventing you from achieving true happiness.
6. Commitment to Empowerment
Most clients who work with a spiritual life coach report a greater sense of confidence and empowerment. Usually, that naturally develops as you take the time to understand who you are, and learn to trust and accept your unique self.
Signs of a Good Spiritual Coach
1. Eagerness to Help Others
A sure sign of a good spiritual coach is genuine eagerness to help. They will be equally excited for you to find the answers you seek. They have a calling to help others grow and find happiness with themselves, and they are enthusiastic about their work because they love seeing others better themselves.
2. Compassion and Wisdom
Compassionate and wise people are able to connect with others on a deeper level and offer solutions rooted in wisdom, logic, and heart. Compassion and wisdom breeds patience and support. Having these traits are critical in spiritual healing because of the deep dive inward that’s required for this healing and work.
3. Good Listening Skills
When you share very personal information with others, trust is an essential foundation, and the best way to gain someone’s trust is to truly listen to what they’re saying. This means reading between the words and body language. A good spiritual coach will understand what you really need, even if you’re not aware of it yourself, just by listening to what you’re saying, and how you’re saying it. If you feel like you’re truly being heard, and you can safely open up about your feelings and thoughts, then you know you’ve found a good spiritual coach.
4. Open-Minded
A good spiritual coach will respect and value your beliefs, and can work with you no matter your religion or background. If a coach is being judgmental or pushing his or her beliefs on you, that’s a big sign to walk away.
5. Experience
The better someone’s track record, the more likely they’ll be to have the skills, traits, and essential knowledge in excelling at what they do. Spiritual coaching is no exception. With experience comes confidence, critical thinking, flexibility, and wisdom to handle any situation and issue. That’s especially true if they’ve worked with people from various backgrounds. So when considering a spiritual coach, look at their qualifications, work experiences, reviews ,and feedback. Read their biography or watch their videos to see if they know what they’re talking about. If all match up, then you’ve got a good one.
6. Specializes in What You’re Looking for
Some spiritual coaches specialize in certain modalities, so it’s important to understand what these are and know which methods you’d like to work with. Specializations include:
· Energy and vibrational healing
· Shamanism
· Imagery
· Manifestation
· Divination
· Religious practices (ex. Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, etc)
Where to Find a Good Spiritual Coach Online ?
You can usually find spiritual coaches easily by doing an online search; however, since most spiritual coaches have a broad range of specializations and qualifications, it would be a good idea to check out growing platforms like Nexia Wellness to help you sort them out. We suggest browsing practitioner profiles on Nexia Wellness, and connecting with spiritual coaches on a free introductory call. Since you’ll be working closely and intimately with this practitioner, an introductory call is a great way to gauge how you feel about the him or her. Once you find the perfect spiritual coach, book a session right on the platform and take the first step towards your spiritual awakening.
Regardless of your religious beliefs and background, spiritual life coaching can be the push you need to achieve the inner peace and happiness you’ve been looking for. It’s never a bad idea to start looking inward and get to know yourself. It’s certainly challenging, but with the right kind of help, the process could even be enjoyable!