Surya Namaskar is a truly unique type of yoga that involves performing 12 gracefully linked asanas in a chain as one. Also known as Sun’s Salutation, it is known as one of the yoga asanas with deep symbolic value. Surya Namaskar is meant to be paying respects to the Sun, which is known as the Hindu God of the soul and light. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar benefits your body and mind in more ways than one. People of all ages can let in these benefits to make a positive impact on their life by just performing Surya Namaskar regularly. Here are the benefits of Surya Namaskar and how it helps to improve your body:

- Better Digestive Function: Surya Namaskar increases the production of blood cells in your body, consequently increasing blood flow. With more blood reaching the digestive system, the digestive organs begin to function better to keep digestion and bowel movements regular.
- Enhanced Respiratory Function: It detoxifies your body, leading to an increase in oxygen levels. Fresh and higher oxygen levels in the body mean there is a higher supply of oxygen in the body, and the breathing exercises performed during Surya Namaskar help you inhale more oxygen. This improves lung health and respiratory patterns.
- Increase Muscle Strength: This yoga asana consists of 12 asanas that target different muscles in your body and stretch them out. They help relieve muscle tension, and while helping you stay active, they also increase muscle strength greatly.
- Reduces Stress: The peace, lack of distractions, and focus that our brain goes through while performing Surya Namaskar leads to control in the production of the stress hormone cortisol. As a result, it helps in reducing the stress, helping you function better at many different levels.
- Helps In Weight Loss: If repeated multiple times, Surya Namaskar can be done as cardio. It is a great body warm-up and also helps you stretch out your muscles. It boosts metabolism, helping you manage your weight.
- Ensures Regularity Of Menstrual Cycle: Regular Surya Namaskar can really help correct irregular menstrual cycles and reduce cramps while menstruating. It does this by controlling the pituitary and adrenal glands.
- Reduces Risk Of Serious Health Conditions: Surya Namaskar takes care of many different health issues like cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, cholesterol and more. It improves the immune system, your physical endurance and heart rate, effectively reducing risks of future health conditions and paving the way for a healthy life.

Surya Namaskar is one way you can take a step towards living a healthier lifestyle and teaching the same to your loved ones. There are many different ways you can practice Surya Namaskar to reap its full benefits and Cult. Live’s Surya Namaskar pack teaches you all of it. There are different variations of Surya Namaskar that are performed by various professionals. It’s never too late to start taking better care of yourself, and this pack from Surya Namaskar helps you with that.