How To Reduce Body Heat: Incredible Tips You Need To Follow

You might have come across situations where your family members or friends might have held your hand while posing for a picture or get-together function and said your hand is hot to touch. 

Yes, you have definitely made the right guess. This is a condition of body heat that is often experienced by several people be it too hot summers or chilly winters. However, if you are looking for tips about how to reduce body heat then you have come to the right place. 

The normal temperature of a human body is considered 98.6Β° F or 37Β° C. Due to some external environmental factors like inadequate diet, underlying medical conditions and wrong hygiene practices often cause unnecessary heat in your body. This further leads to rising in body temperature which is considered heat stress.    

Some of the most common causes of heat stress include dehydration or working for a long time in enclosed spaces or air-conditioned atmospheres. Remember that eating spicy food, not showering after a workout, and suffering from health conditions like arthritis also contribute to heating up of your body. 

It is necessary for you to decrease body heat in order to avoid the chances of heatstroke as well as other harmful effects which can be observed in your body. Keep one thing in your mind, body heat has now turned out to be a common condition that people across the world are facing every day. 

In case, your body is not able to cool down and you want to know how to cool down internal body heat then this article is definitely for you. 

Simple Tips For How to Reduce Body HeatΒ 

You must know that it is easy to decrease body heat in two different ways including externally and internally. By following the below-stated tips, you can easily reduce body heat and bring soothing as well as cooling effects to your body. 

  • Coconut Water 

Several people prefer drinking coconut water on a regular basis after they wake up in the morning. Coconut water is 94% water and fluid that not only decreases heat stress but also keeps your body hydrated. It contains vitamin A & C, magnesium, and potassium that keep your body healthy and fit. 

  • Buttermilk 

Buttermilk is one of the most healthy drinks that contains all the vital vitamins, minerals, and probiotics to keep your body cool even in intense heat. If you wish to know how to reduce internal body heat then start drinking buttermilk on a regular basis.Β Β 

Buttermilk will not only keep your body cool naturally but also maintain a high level of energy inside your body. 

  • Wear loose dress

You must know that tight-fitting clothes often trap up the moisture present in your body. So, it is better to shift to the new cool dress code that too in style. Try wearing a loose and light-colored summer top designed from natural fabric. It is always better to wear clothes designed from cotton and linen materials because they help in decreasing body heat effortlessly.  

  • Aloe Vera 

You will be glad to know that aloe vera is one of the best & natural cooling agents. When it comes to decreasing body heat internally or externally, aloe vera shows an amazing effect. You can apply this gel to your skin and you will start experiencing a cooling effect within seconds. 

You can also prepare a smooth mixture of aloe vera gel extract along with cucumber or mint and drink it. This will make you feel that the coolness is running inside your body, keeping you cool. 

  • Regular exercises

It is important for you to perform simple breathing exercises on a regular basis in order to regulate sweating in your body properly. This further helps in lowering the temperature of your body. 

Moreover, you must indulge in fifteen minutes of meditation and yoga every day because this will encourage soothing effects in your heated body cells. As a result, both physical and mental health will be improved. 

  • Hydrating foods

One of the most common natural remedies to decrease heat stress is the intake of hydrating food items. You must include citrus fruits along with hydrating foods such as cucumber, oranges, bitter gourd, watermelon, lemons, etc, in your diet. These foods contain high water content that reduces body heat quickly. 

Always remember a healthy diet always play a vital role in keeping your body at a normal and controlled temperature. 

  • Cold foot bath 

Placing your feet in a cold foot bath helps in cooling down your body and also permits you to sit back as well as relax properly. You just need to add cold water and ice cubes to a bucket of water and soak your feet for at least 20 minutes. 

If you wish to add more cooling effect then add a few drops of peppermint essential oil and you will be surprised to experience its amazing results. 

  • Drink more water

One of the best tips to decrease your body heat naturally is hydrating your body with enough water. The incredible magic water does to your body is just amazing. Drinking water properly regularly helps in melting down your body heat and keeps you fresh & shining always. 

So, start applying these amazing & easy tips and decrease your body heat effectively.


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