6 Great Reasons to Join a Fitness Community Gym to reach your goals

The recent festive holiday season was great fun, with lots of gatherings of friends and family where lots of food and drink was consumed. In fact, a bit too much when you look in the mirror and receive a shock. That favourite shirt hasn’t shrunk after all.

While you’re not generally one for new year resolutions, you have plenty of personal pride and value your health and fitness, so you decide to head down to Richmond Gym for 6 great reasons.

  1. You were impressed when a work colleague told you all about the gym. In the past you were a member elsewhere but you did not enjoy the atmosphere. There was no real camaraderie and the staff and trainers did not seem too interested. Your friend told you that at Richmond Gym there was a real feeling of community spirit where people trained together and knew each other’s names.
  2. That spirit sounds perfect to you as you know that as part of a team you are likely to feel inspired as you work together. It will help your competitive streak to drive you forward, as there is no way you are going to let others see you fail. 
  3. You are reliably informed that skill and technique come before mirrors and posing, something that annoyed you in a previous experience. Especially so during those frustrating waits to use a piece of equipment when others aren’t putting in 100%, but are stopping others using it while they seem more interested in posting on their phones. The best use of a phone regarding a gym is when checking out the importance of fluid intake in the human body.
  4. Your friend says that he enjoys the simplistic approach adopted where they understand that each person is different, while training is based on recordable cycles, so that you can keep a track of your progress. You want to improve your own strength and cardiovascular fitness, while being fully aware that a healthy body and mind will lead to a happier life.
  5. You certainly like the idea of flexible membership, which includes as excellent opening promotional offer. The scientific approach used by elite athletes is adopted and adapted for you to reach your specific targets. Joining a community that aims to achieve mixed implement strength and conditioning fitness is just what you are looking for. It might just encourage you to dust the boots off and find a club to play footy this season.
  6. There are personal trainers available to take you under their wing, which you might consider as you know that there will be accountability connected to your training. You are a good listener and want to soak up knowledge on interesting and varied workouts, and receive the best advice regarding a healthy diet and nutrition.

Joining a community based gym with expert trainers is a sure fire way of achieving a fit and healthy body and mind while also having fun and feeling as part of a team.

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