We all know how pleasing the color of beetroot is to our eyes. But when it comes to taste, many of us do not like it. Well, you must know the health benefits of beetroot that is packed with many essential vitamins and minerals. You can add beetroots to your regular diet to attain its maximum benefits. Consume it raw or you can juice it with the pulp, that’s where all the fiber is present. You can also add a pinch of black salt to the juice or mix it with other seasonal fruits or vegetables. If the juice is too thick, you can add little water to balance the consistency. When consuming whole beetroots, we suggest eating them raw instead of cooking them as raw beets contain more antioxidants, vitamins and minerals than cooked ones. While if you still don’t want to cook them, then try to eat them by roasting or sautéing.

Health benefits of Beetroots
Beetroots are low in calories and high in nutrients. In 100 gm of beetroot, the calorie count is only 44, 1.8 gm of protein and 2 gm of fiber. The juice is a very good source of folate, iron, magnesium, sodium and other essential nutrients.
After this, if you are not convinced, we are giving you 10 incredible benefits of having beetroot juice. Here is the list:
Maintains blood pressure levels:
According to much previous research on beetroots, it is found that nitrates that are converted to nitric oxide present in beetroot juice help in widening blood vessels allowing more oxygen flow to your body organs.

Gives you glowing skin:
An unhealthy body from inside is reflected through outside by our skin. Consuming beetroots works wonder for your skin. The juice acts as a blood purifier and eliminates toxins and gives you a perfect glow. Consume beet juice mixed with cucumbers or carrots. Both are rich in antioxidants.

Here we are presenting some tips that will help you in fighting your skin issues.
If you have acne, then apply grated beetroot mixed with plain curd to your cleansed face. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.
If you have dull skin, apply beet juice daily to your face. Massage it for a minute and rinse with normal water. This remedy helps in clearing dead skin cells.
Hydrates dry skin:
beetroot is the best way to hydrate skin and deals with itchiness.
Mix beet juice with honey, curd and apply all over the skin before showering and let it dry for 20-30 minutes. Take a lukewarm shower. After shower apply a good hydrating moisturizer or you can also apply any oil. This will keep your skin more hydrated.

Good for hair:
If you are suffering from hair loss then adding beetroot to your daily diet can help you by providing all the essential vitamins and minerals.

Mix grounded coffee with beetroot juice and apply it to your wet hair. Leave it for 15 minutes and rinse. It will give you lustrous hair and natural hair color also.
Helps in maintaining a healthy weight:
Beetroot is low in calories. It is a very good option for morning smoothies or salad for lunch. It will give you enough energy for the whole day.

Act as a detoxifying agent:
Betalains, a type of phytonutrient present in beetroot. These phytonutrients are known to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. These antioxidants increase the production of the enzyme that helps in removing toxins from the blood.

Good for digestion:
Beetroot is full of fibers that helps in relieving constipation and other digestive problems. Beetroot helps in increasing stomach acid levels which improve digestion.

May help in preventing cancer:
the phytocompound Betanin, provide defense against strong carcinogens. Researches have suggested that beet juice has the potential in preventing lung cancer, colon and liver cancer.

Very effective in Anemia:
Beetroot is full of iron and folate that enhances the production of red blood cells. The veggie also contains other nutrients in a good amount such as magnesium, zinc, calcium and several vitamins.

Works as an aphrodisiac:
For centuries, beets are known as sexual booster due to their boron content. Boron has a distinctive impact on hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Along with that the nitrates present in beet increasing blood flow and helps in improving sex life.

Beets are very healthy no matter how you consume them. However, juicing and eating as salad is the best way to consume beetroot. It should not be cooked as it reduces its nutritional value. You can add carrots, celery, lettuce, black salt or mix it up with seasonal fruits to cut that earthy taste.
To all the deepadvices food readers, here are some exclusive smoothie recipes for you all:
- Mix pineapples and beetroots and juice it up. Add a pinch of black salt to it. You all love it. It is a great immune booster drink!
- Mix celery, lettuce, carrots, beets and a slice of lemon and juice it up. Add a pinch of rock salt and enjoy the drink. This is a great drink for weight loss.
- Add gooseberries to your regular beet juice. Add a pinch of salt or drink it without it. This is a good detox drink and blood purifier and you will also get glowing skin. Voila!
Note: Sometimes, your urine can turn pinkish after beets. The condition is called Beeturia, although it’s harmful. If you are suffering from kidney stones, then avoid using beetroots. They are high in oxalates and may lead to stones.
Disclaimer: This content includes advice that provides only general information from the earlier studies. There is no substitute for a medical option. Consult your specialist for more information. Deepadvices will not be held responsible for this information.