Hyaluronic Acid: 4 Wonders in Restoring Youth

The Age-Rewind Ingredient: Hyaluronic Acid 101

Hyaluronic acid sounds like a dangerous substance you don’t want near your face. However, that’s not the case at all. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is the key to hydrated, smooth, and flawless skin despite having an intimidating name to it.

4 Wonders in Restoring Youth

Also called hyaluronan, hyaluronic acid is a clear substance naturally produced by your body. You can find it in your eyes, skin, and connective tissues. Its main purpose is to lubricate and moisten your tissues by retaining water. HA does this by binding with water molecules and increasing your skin’s water content. This powerful substance can absorb up to 1,000 times its weight in water.

As time goes on, your HA levels decline naturally, dehydrating your skin. Age is a major factor in this process, but other significant factors include air pollution, harsh weather, and smoking. There are a few ways you can get a boost to restore or maintain your HA levels, as this ingredient comes in different forms.

Uses of Hyaluronic Acid

There are multiple ways you can take hyaluronic acid. One of the most popular ways people use this ingredient is through topical treatments like gel lotions, serums, and eye creams.

HA also comes in the form of filler injections. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, injectable HA can “reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, facial folds, and to create structure, framework, and volume to the face and lips.” When you use dermal fillers, you can immediately see the effects.

Those who don’t like to use HA topically take it as an oral supplement. However, before you do so, it’s best to consult your doctor to see if it’s the right type of HA that’ll work for you.

Many companies package HA in various ways, too. Indeed, this substance has many benefits that people just can’t get enough of. But what exactly are hyaluronic acid’s benefits?

4 Benefits of Hyaluronic Acid

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Hyaluronic acid’s primary function is to retain moisture, but let’s find out what else HA has in store.

  1. Increases skin moisture

Several factors decrease the amount of HA in your skin. But, if you take 120โ€“240 mg of HA supplements daily for a month, you may have reduced dry skin and significantly increased skin moisture, as per a Nutrition Journal study.

  1. Reduces wrinkles

Fine lines and wrinkles are mostly caused by skin dehydration. When your skin is plump and supple from HA, even the deepest wrinkles can lessen in appearance. Because it has water-pulling qualities, HA can age-rewind dry and sunken skin.

According to a 2016 study, anti-wrinkle creams with HA can reduce the depth of wrinkles by 10% to 20% when you apply it consistently for three months. Additionally, skin tightness can also improve by 13% to 30%.

  1. Heals wounds

HA is naturally present in your body, but it increases concentration whenever your skin is damaged and needs repair. It regulates your inflammation levels and signals your body to build more blood vessels to help your wounds heal faster.

To incorporate HA in wound healing, you should opt for topical solutions. The Journal of Wound Care found that applying HA to skin wounds can decrease pain and reduce wound size faster than using no treatment at all. HA also has antibacterial properties, which help minimize infection when used on open wounds.

  1. Lubricates bones

HA is also found in joints and naturally lubricates your bones. With enough lubrication, your bones will less likely grind against each other and cause pain. On the contrary, your joints can hurt if you lack HA.

HA injectibles and supplements can help ease the pain of knee osteoarthritis, a condition in which your cartilage or the spongy material in your joints has worn down. For injections, it can take several shots before you feel the results.

Meanwhile, studies found you can significantly decrease knee pain by taking 80mg to 200 mg of HA supplements daily for two months. Researchers also concluded that HA supplements are best for 40- to 70-year-olds.

Add Hyaluronic Acid to Your Skincare Regimen

Hyaluronic acid has become a buzzword in the skincare industry, with numerous moisturizers, face serums, and sheet masks containing this ingredient thatโ€™s considered the fountain of youth. For people who’d like to have youthful, plump, and supple skin, HA is a staple in their regimen.

While HA has an array of benefits, you should also be aware of HA’s precautions and possible side effects. Generally, HA is very safe to use. However, if you’re pregnant or have a history of cancer, it’s best to avoid taking or using HA without your doctor’s advice. Some research shows that HA can impact cancer cells, causing them to grow faster.

As long as you aren’t at risk for HA’s side effects, this ingredient does wonders not only for your skin but also for the rest of your body.

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