In this post we gonna learn how to remove dark circles under eyes permanently at home and their main causes.
Our routine changes day by day as the world is moving fast. Every day we listen or see that something is new is being developed that changes humankind. For coping up with this fast world one needs to work hard. As the work increases people always sought to complete it in a minimum amount of time and unknowingly put themselves of risk like fatigue, stress, headaches, eye problems, etc. In this article, we will tell you about the Dark circles, what causes them and how to treat them. So, read the article till the end.

Increasing the working hours’ people are cutting down their precious time that a body needs to replenish itself causing various problems and one of them is Dark circles.
What causes dark circles under eyes
Although many of the people think that dark circles are caused by fatigue or irregular sleeping pattern apart from these several factors can cause dark circles under eyes some of them are mentioned below :
Dark circles can occur naturally as we age. Our skin changes as we grow old it becomes thinner and non- elastic from outside allowing dark tissues to under our skin to show. - Strain that cause dark circle under your eyes
If you are a person who spends most of their time staring or working in front of the screen then it is obvious to have dark circles. The skin near the eyes is sensitive so giving too much strain to your eyes can also affect the skin near it. - Fatigue
This is a common reason which causes dark circles. Our body needs an equal amount of rest to restore itself as we work daily but not giving enough time to body to restore itself can cause your body to show fatigue systems like body aches, tiredness and dark circles. - Dehydration causes dark circle under eyes
We know that water is a necessity for our body to maintain body temperature and to regulate other body functions. So, if the body doesn’t get enough water it causes the body to dehydrate and it may cause dark circles.
How to Remove Dark Circles at home naturally in 2 days
Dark circles differ from person to person they may be temporary or permanent it depends on their lifestyle and also their genetics. But here are some of the dark circles remedy at home that you all can try to get rid of or to reduce dark circles und ereye.
Get enough sleep is the best way to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes
Yes, it is right that just having a good amount of sleep, giving your body enough rest can greatly reduce the dark circles under eyes and can also reduce the swelling around the eyes making skin more beautiful.

Drinking enough water
Consuming a suitable amount of water can help to provide essential nutrients to the skin making it more elastic and fresher. Which in turn can reduce the dark circles.

Applying cucumber For Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes
Applying cucumber slices to the eyes can reduce dark circles. Cucumbers are rich in water so it helps to hydrate the skin and reduces the temperature around the skin reducing the blood flow. It also has anti-inflammatory effects which are very useful for skin.

Ice packs
Applying ice near eyes can reduce the blood flow near eyes which can decrease the puffiness and dark circles.

If you are going out and have to attend a meeting you can use makeup. Although it is not for treating dark circles it can hide them instantly.

Apart from these home remedies, there are some medical treatments that you can refer to if you want to get rid of dark circles permanently.
These treatments involve chemical components to treat dark circles so it is not recommended to use these excessively.
Chemical peels
Using chemical peels can lighten the under-eye skin. Glycolic acid is often used in this process.

Laser treatment can also remove dark circles under eyes
Nowadays laser treatment is available to treat the dark circles. For this Intense pulse light therapy is used which improves the color and texture of the skin.

Use of chemicals cause dark circle under eye
Chemicals such as Glycolic acid, Retinoic acid, Azelaic acid and kojic acid can be used to treat dark circles here Retinoic acid is responsible for reducing darkly pigmented skin and others are used for reducing the darkness or to lighten the skin. Although these chemicals are useful they should be used under a doctor’s supervision.

These are the applied method to remove dark circles under eyes permanently at home. If you have more question on how to remove dark circles under eyes you can comment here or email us.